LEM Phonics from Frances Prentice
PO Box 697, Chinchilla Qld 4413
0429 405 767
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Beginning her education career in 1994, Frances worked as a Speech Pathologist before becoming an Advisory Visiting Teacher for Speech Language Impairment, and has also taught kindergarten and primary classes. She has five children and whilst raising them has worked part time as a Learning Support Teacher and tutor. Frances became an LEM Phonics Registered Instructor in 2018 with a vision to help teachers and students learn a comprehensive form of literacy, giving them the confidence to achieve their potential.
LEM Phonics 2020
Educators all across the planet are recognising that phonics is the only method of teaching English that is consistent with the brain’s pattern of learning. LEM Phonics is Australia’s own ‘home grown’ synthetic phonics program, created in Australia, especially for the Australian accent, to suit Australian classrooms. Through phonograms, sounds, and the rules that govern the relationships between them, LEM Phonics makes sense of the English language. LEM Phonics 2020 is a comprehensive program covering the first 5 years of literacy instruction, utilising the six state-based handwriting styles used in all Australian schools. Please contact the office or your nearest LEM Phonics Registered Instructor to find out how you can help your children be ‘Literate for Life’.